Contact persons.

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Alexander Matthey
Product Management

Alexander Mix
Application Support

Andrea Rücker
Product Management

Andrei Yablunovskiy
Sales Manager

Andrej Pucarevic
Customer Service

Anna Feist
Head of Customer Service

Antonina Lietzau

Benjamin Zieten
Application Support

Daniel Meckeler
Application Support

Frank Rittmann
Head of Product Development

Genny Montechiara
Customer Service

Ilknur Demiröz
Modular Construction

Ines Pfeifer
Technical Support

Irmgard Lasser
Customer Service

Iwona Daukszewicz
Sales Manager

Josip Strunje
Product Development Construction Industry

Kemal Uslu
Product Management Shoe, Automotive & Leather Industry

Knut Baggerånås

Krzysztof Lukomski
Sales Manager

Marie Bürkner
Sales Managerin TEC-IN

Marina Manzotti
Customer Service

Michael Schmidt
Product Development TEC-IN

Mourad Lamrini

Pamela Zavatti
Customer Service

Rathinavel Baskaran
Sales / Key Account Management

Rebeca Martinez
Customer Service

Recep Doganci
Product Development Construction Industry

Roger Goerge
Customer Service

Thomas Juraschek
International Product Manager

Timo Jacobs
Customer Service
